The People’s picture
October 26, 2020Covid has impacted us all. Massisolation Format in collaboration with The People’s picture is putting together a giant mosaic of a mask. I am happy to have two images of Daisy included in this project. Read more about their projects here.
From the People’s picture website:
The People’s Picture is a photography and design studio from British artist Helen Marshall. Every artwork is made up of thousands of photos yet every single one tells a story. Pictures are powerful. People connect with pictures. People share their memories, dreams and celebrate through pictures.
All submissions will have the opportunity to be featured in the next edition of FORMAT which opens on 11 March 2021. Selected images and series will be included in the exhibitions, in an online archive and more. Together with The People’s Picture to create a large scale digital presentation, QUAD and Derby Museum and Art Gallery for the exhibitions the project will commemorate this moment in history, and celebrate our collective emergence into the ‘new normal’.
@massisolationformat Instagram project has already received over 20,000 submissions from 70 countries, the FORMAT curators look at everything and invite more people to take part in this incredible mass-participation project.
The people’s picture highlighted a few chosen images on Instagram including these three with the following text:
We love this photo by @loomariannevan. “From last year’s photoshoot with Daisy, exploring my Dutch roots. EU citizen in the UK. Covid19 pandemic has inspired people to look at the old masters again. My inspiration came from #Vermeer and Rembrandt.” Visit his Instagram to see the full image and discover more.
We are working together with @formatfestival to create a giant interactive photo mosaic made up of thousands of photos submitted using the hashtag #massisolationformat. Until the 16th of September, FORMAT Photography Festival invited people around the world to share images relating to the Coronavirus19 pandemic. This @massisolationformatopen invitation for people to share their experiences during the pandemic acts as a digital archive and has received 32,000+ submissions from 70+ countries. Submissions are closed now, and we will keep featuring selected photos on our social media and website feed that will be highlighted as a special #peoplespicturecuratessection.
Together with The People’s Picture, QUAD and Derby Museum and Art Gallery, Format Photography Festival are creating a large scale digital presentation for the project to commemorate this moment in history and to celebrate our collective emergence into the ‘new normal’. Visit @massisolationformat for more info.